Sunday, 02 June 2024

Police Parade Suspected Ritualist With Human Head in Ibadan (Photo)

Items found in their possessions include fresh human head, hands, and one HP Laptop.
Hassan Kolawole has been paraded by the Police in Oyo State, on Friday.
The 45-year-old suspected ritualist was paraded after he was arrested with a fresh human head in Ibadan, the state capital.
Kolawole was paraded at the Command Headquarters at Eleyele in Ibadan North-West Local Government Area of the state, alongside nine others who were arrested for various crimes at different locations within the state.
They were paraded by the state Commissioner of Police, Adebola Hamzat, through the Police Public Relations Officer, Adewale Osifeso.
Items found in their possessions include fresh human head, hands, and one HP Laptop.
Details later…

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