Sunday, 02 June 2024

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Cancer: people living in England’s poorest areas at higher risk of death – new study

Those living in London had the lowest risk of dying from cancer. namtipStudio/ Shutterstock David Nelson, University of Lincoln Nationally,…

Prostate cancer linked to bacteria, raising hope of new test and treatment

Shidlovski/Shutterstock Every year, around 12,000 men in the UK die from prostate cancer, but many more die with prostate cancer…

Saving lives is worth the expense: the case for prostate cancer screening

All men should take a PSA test when they turn 40. Thirteen of Clubs Mark Frydenberg, Monash University When compared…

Hardship: Psychiatric Hospital Admissions Rise By 100% in 2023 – CMD

The Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Yaba, Lagos State, says it has witnessed a 100 percent increase in admissions for psychiatric…

One Out Of Seven Nigerians Suffering From Kidney Failure — Nephrologist Raises Alarm

The former President of the Nigerian Association of Nephrologists, Dr. Ebun Ladipo Bamgboye, has raised an alarm that one out…

Popular News

Many men living with prostate cancer are confronted with significant…
The World Health Organization estimates that 1.8 million to 2.7…

Remind me again, how does cannabis affect the brain?

Heavy cannabis use is consistently associated with poorer attention and memory, and increased rates of metal health problems. Pe3k/F/Shutterstock Murat…

Just in case you missed it, here’s why radiation is a health hazard

Hand held radiation monitors don’t detect inhaled plutonium particles which can lodge in the lung and cause long term damage.…

Revealed: adult leukaemia can be caused by gene implicated in breast cancer and obesity

AML under the microscope. Medtech THAI STUDIO LAB 249 Samantha Le Sommer, University of Aberdeen When people think of leukaemia,…

Kenyan study shines new light on chronic myeloid leukaemia

Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia develops silently often with no symptoms, particularly in the early stages. shutterstock Nicholas A. Abinya, University of…

Brain Drain: Nigeria heading for catastrophic human resources crises -NMA

The association also expressed great worry over various attacks and kidnapping of health workers from their workplaces. The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA)…

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